Personal Digital Device Guidelines

Personal Digital Device GuidelinesThe Kamloops-Thomspon School District Student Code of Conduct outlines the following guidelines (in Procedure 1) for personal digital device use at school.

1.5. Comply with restrictions on personal digital device use at school to promote online safety and focus on creative learning environments by demonstrating:

  • 1.5.1 use of personal digital devices for instructional purposes and digital literacy development;
  • 1.5.2 use of personal digital devices that is appropriate to a student’s age and developmental stage;
  • 1.5.3 use personal digital devices for accessibility and accommodation needs, including medical and health needs;
  • 1.5.4 use personal digital devices to support equitable access to learning outcomes.
 Lloyd George Elementary School's Personal Digital Device School Guidelines and Expectation

Personal Electronics Devices

At École Lloyd George Elementary, students are not permitted to use any personal digital devices at any time during the school day, from the start of the school day to its conclusion, unless explicit permission is granted by their teacher or the school Principal/Vice-Principal.  Permission could be granted for the purpose of inclusion, equity, or medical and health needs.  The personal electronic devices, if necessary, must stay in the student’s backpack or locker.  It may not be kept in a student's pocket or desk.  This policy ensures that students remain focused and engaged in their learning throughout the day.  If a student is found using a personal electronic device between the start of the school day and its conclusion, the Principal/Vice-Principal will be notifying the parents as a first step. 

Please be assured that your child is under constant supervision while at school.  For any urgent communication needs, the school will reach out to you directly or if there is a need to communicate with us, we can be reached between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

If you have feedback or questions about school and classroom guidelines for personal digital device use, please contact us.

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